Friday 5 June 2015

I am Back

Hey guys! How are you all doing? In the recent set of events, I realised that I was so into studies and all that I couldn't get time for myself.
So now I think I am back, and I am going to complete my story, come up with cool articles, and weep over my past (maybe).

I just want you to read my stuffs. Cause' it's gonna be great.

I Love you!

Sunday 13 July 2014


After these dark incidents crept on their leagues, Of-course the night couldn't have been peaceful. Dayton had sweat-troubled all night and couldn't sleep. Might he had bad dreams too. It seems as a sign for the fear in D's mind.

He left the house earlier that morning. About 5 AM to be precise. He was so swift in carrying things, that one could easily forget something in that haste. But he didn't make any mistake. He grabbed his socks, laced his shoes and went straight outside, with a white paper in his left arm, carefully attested. Lily was sleeping still and maybe dreaming something good and lovely. With these good thoughts in mind, Dayton set off in his journey.

After half an hour, Dayton, reached the town. Well the men had started their works already, that's what melorious about that city. Work after Work. "I like this air" said he. Then Dayton moved on to the next block looking for a letter box. which he found one soon and dropped a white envelope onto it.

Going back on his route, he still folded his arms, maybe there was something else between them. He mocked his way too faster than before, and just came by his wrecked office. He stared at it with desperation and sorrow. He turned immediately and walked to the bank nearby. He moved in by passing the guard. "They are expecting you sire, I believe you have something strong to reply" said the guard. Dayton smiled and went in. It was a glorifious building, big and decorated . It looked more of a palace than a bank. The dome was caricatured by the famous engineer expertise and artist , Mr. Jonathan Steve. The yellow-blue lights adorned the linings of the interiors and the natural flowers gave it a scent of beauty. Dayton took a deep breath and moved upstairs. He didn't come there often, but whenever he did, he would never forget to take a closer look of the whole building.

He came up to the third floor and moved to the long aisle across to the door, where a committee was discussing without any proper discipline. As Mr. Bayte entered the room, silence wandered in the room. Dayton sat on his chair behind the tagline which showed in big - wide letters  "Mr. Dayton Bayte - Chief Manager". " What's the problem" asked Dayton. " What problem is it you ask, are you unaware of the situation Bayte, your company's destroyed and it has cost us our lives. ". barked James Matt from his side. "Your lives, Well James I don't wear spectacles and I can atleast deduce that you are infront of me in a good state, And what's with all these luxury coats and all." replied Dayton. "Does it look funny to you Date, the workers are demanding money, they are in a crisis, And thanks to your so-called charity firms of 'Employment to Everybody', there's a load of them, and our bank won't ever be able to suffice the needs."

"Well, that's serious, and I know that, but  let me first talk to them. At this moment, it is pure necessary for us to know about the crook who blown up my company. I want everybody to stay calm and think about the solutions for the crisis. My company had always been in service to the people and if someone ever wants to give my city a chance in ruins, He will have to pass over my death." said Dayton with passion. "Well, its really hard to believe why attack us, we help and we get destroyed. Is it a game?" asked Adam, the youngest man in the room. " It can be anything ,Ed, but one thing is sure, this ain't a good sign". "So what do you want us to do, Mr. Bayte." asked the Head of Security Department. " Well, Mr. Collins, right now it's mandatory to check on every evidence you can get about the explosion. I have made arrangements for an experts team who will arrive soon (under fine conditions). Let's go and work. James get me a suitable location and invite all employees to talk to me. I want to make sure they haven't got much trouble (as much as I do). " "Right away sir". said James.

And so the meeting came to an end. Dayton left the room and as custom started exploring the beauty of the building. He took about an whole hour to examine the glorifious works of Mr. Steve. He sprinted home and found Lily waiting at the door. He took her in his arms and hugged her so tightly that even the earth would have shrunk with that force. They laughed and ate food.

"It's surely said that guys need their girls to share all their happiness and achievements, even in the midst of grave fear and danger. Love's exceptional and admirable".  

Wednesday 23 April 2014

s-block Elements and p-block Elements

Everyone of you out there, must be familiar with the Element table or the Periodic table, containing the known 118 elements. These elements thus found are very useful and productive to us. But a chart which contains all these elements, must have been made with care and systematic. Though the periodic table is divided into two parts - A-type elements and B-type elements. As we all know, there are 7 rows or periods and 18 columns or groups. And there a 4- blocks named - s,p,d,and f blocks (We will discuss about them later).

The groups 1 and 2 are the s-block elements. The groups 13 to 18 are the p-block elements. The groups 3 to 12 are the d-block elements. And the Lactinides and Actinides at the bottom are the f -block elements.

Let's talk about the s-block elements and p-block elements. In this post, we will just memorize what all elements comprise the s and p blocks. We will discuss their properties afterwards.

S-Block Elements
Starting from the first group:

H   (Hydrogen)
Li   (Lithium)
Na  (Sodium)
K    (Potassium)
Rb   (Rubidium)
Ce  (Cesium)
Fr   (Francium)

2nd group 

Be  (Beryllium)
Mg (Magnesium)
Ca  (Calcium)
Sr   (Strontium)
Ba  (Barium)
Ra   (Radium)

P- Block Elements

13th group

B  (Boron)
Al (Aluminium)
Ga (Gallium)
In  (Indium)
Tl   (Thallium)

14th group

C  (Carbon)
Si  (Silicon)
Ge (Germanium)
Sn  (Tin)
Sb  (Lead)

15th group


16th group

O  (Oxygen)
S   (Sulphur)
Se  (Selenium)
Te  (Tellurium)
Po  (Polonium)

17th group (Halogens)

F   (Fluorine)
Cl  (Chlorine)
Br  (Bromine)
I     (Iodine)
As  (Astatine)

18th group (Noble Gases)


Saturday 19 April 2014


I have been so much dissipated and depressed by the fact that my sisters are not here with me and I am missing each of them so much. So I dedicate this post to my 3 sisters, telling you of my feelings  about them. It's really tempting to imagine that you haven't got many sisters. This is because I don't talk to girls, and the only girls I talk to much are my sisters. And if I tell you a truth, that girls talk to me only when I accept them as their sister  :( .... This is just an act of security. But I am always sad because of this condition.

Starting from my only real sister and cousin, Kavita, she has been the ideal role model for me since childhood. I have learnt most of the trifles seeing her. Seeing her spirits, achievements, unexplainable love, unending talks, and the airy sense, have always kept me attached to her. She is 6 years older than me but still she is my favorite, and I am hers. We are a bit similar in spirits and targets and we have lots in common. That is why we get along very merrily and tiely. But now as her age flourishes, we had to drift away, because she now has to study, then go to work, and then she will get married. Now there are no contacts and physical touch between us. I love you deed and you are the best.

My second one, Sanskriti, is not my real sister, but yeah I consider her as one, because she trusts me completely and her merry ways of conjuring one's heart is beyond explanation. I have promised to protect her and she had promised me to love me forever. Though there are really no contacts between, but I haven't still forget my promise. Her beauty in heart, and as her name suggests, she is so much full of morals and laughter. Enjoys each day and each person, her talks and mischief are so much adorable that you will never want to leave such a friend ever. It is okay to me that she doesn't contact me, because I know she has much important stuffs to do and she will be one day the greatest of all. I love you sis  :)

And the last one, Anushka, is the most complicated of all, because she is one of those sisters which I never wished to make. She just came, we talked, became friends, became bro-sis, and are continuing it with confusions. Though if I must say, Anushka really saved my life once, and for the one grateful feeling of love, I respect her for her views and ambitions. She wishes to be a cardiologist. I am haunted by the question " Why did Anushka even come into my life, what role does she have in my life?". I haven't got any ideal answer for this and it's real bad. Though about her character, she is very much friendly, and is all ready to hear about all my emotions and flattering. I frequently get mad at her because I want to stay away from her, but I couldn't. She does not let me leave her and I don't know why. She gets along good with boys  (I don't do the same with girls), but still she needs me. I can bet that she might have many brothers of her own. But she just needs me. I am stuck with her. Even if I start loving her, then she won't like it because I have to act as her brother. She is now in Indore, doing her higher studies. But the more she gets closer to me (in distance), the more far away she seems to me. Because we now have to limit our communications.  :(

Whatever be the situations ever. I love my sisters truly and eternally, because these are the only girls I talk to. All are away, doing their businesses, and I am alone here. I cannot talk about feelings and emotions to anybody now. As boys don't talk to each other about feelings. Only girls can understand it. And this is the only reason why we guys need girls.

Friday 18 April 2014

Girls Vs Boys - Biological View

I have been constantly ran down by the question of "Who is better - Girls or Boys" . Well we all know the answer is that all are equal and no one is discriminating. But the thing is if we really get on to compare each other's life, we get a world of differences. The way girls and boys live in their own air really has something to do with their life and success rates. As we know of today, women power has some limits, such as they do not possess muscular figure (not all), they look after their children, they seek adventure but couldn't. And as we speak of a manly demeanor, a man probably can achieve anything, imaginative and power-relative. He can go to work as he must to. Though all these, we can consider that men and women, both have equal works and it's a true fact. But if we look closely in their teenagers age or youth. We find a world of differences, full of imagination,love,anger,peace,fight etc.

Teenage in today's world has somehow became difficult ,or say, imbalanced. As we know the process of evolution, the brain keeps updating itself with all sorts of memories and stuffs. When these are passed onto the younger generation, they too get all the stuffs of their parents and the state of awareness and new knowledge gets into the mind of the child. As a result, the child gets to know about all the little feelings such as anger, love, depression etc. at a very young age.

This can be explained as when reproduction occurs then the DNA of the parents mixes up. And during copulation, a large wave of electrical signals pass over the body of the mother, which usually is brought about by the brain. During childbirth, these signal carrying messages (memories and feelings) get into the child, updating his brain with some awareness. And thus the child gets wary of the surroundings easily and gets angry, bad, be in love, at a very small age.

This has created a state of depression in young boys and girls. Boys in today's age are seeking more love, even when the previous generation boys didn't love much (they were stubborn). They seek love at the age of 13-14 but the previous generation, if observed, loved in their college life only. This is going real bad because Love can only be complete if a girl is ready to. But this ain't possible too today.

Because Girls today are seeking adventure more than love, they wish to work manly, create their own airy world, and are drifting away from love. This is because that their mind has been set that boys always cheat (as parents experienced it). They are targeting on achieving their goals rather than supporting their families. This has really brought down the "feeling of love". Girls were made to understand others and support them with all their love and merry talks. they have to be contended and resolute to love the world. And only then can be the Boys of today's age can be saved of intense depression.

If boys and girls work together, then we can create a merry din of thy world and achieve great heights of peace and power. Boys must do their manly works and girls must protect them with love and care and do all sorts of stuffs which makes him emotional even in his deadliest hour. That's the true power of a girl.

Women can bring back the dead if caressed with true love and peace.They can do anything.

Monday 7 April 2014

Some Truths And Facts Of Life

Many of us create dimples in our life, on the mere fact for the knowledge of the truths of life. We spend our entire life seeking the easiest path to attain peace. Over the long run, many great people have set their foot apart to find this. Some great people are Buddha, Ashoka, Aryabhatta, etc. They all have journeyed long distances and have discovered many truths. And they had also shared many of their teachings. Great ancient astronomers such as Aryabhatta have predicted the wonders of science thousands of years ago. They all had succeeded  in achieving peace in heaven. But the fact is that humans don't follow their teachings still. They are getting even more corrupted by heart each day.

Humans are finding ways to destroy each other instead of loving one another. According to Buddha's teachings - "Peace will come only if you find peace in your own heart and not in other's heart". Today, people find their more affection in other's. And when these people find that the person\thing they like can't be theirs. Then they snatch it away with force which leads to widespread anger. 

"Anger is the ultimate enemy which kills its own bearer"

Nowadays people have found departments of anger such as, relationships, country, speech, media etc. People think that they will have to fight their way to attain peace and they force it. Everything is bullshit,  No one in this world can attain peace if anger left in their hearts. There is a little love for the world in this little heart. It storms its way among the other un-healthy things and gets activated rarely.

According to me, the truth of life is that "Love Is Life And Life Is Love". Its a bit creepy to understand but this is the truth. Even with that little love we can find eternal peace of mind and we can really help others. I don't say that people don't know the meaning of love or they had forgotten everything about helping each other. Millions of people today too are helping people. They are doing their best in everything to love and care and support. But still they have anger somewhere hidden which might burst upon a small flick. 

So only love can change the course of this world. love will thaw all problems. Love is the only key to happiness and peace. So never show your anger and try to be friendly. Carve your beautiful world with the designing colours of love.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Craziness Vs Missiness

What we all do, is always an important, funnier and crazy part of our life. Believe it or not, you always smile back on older memories, no matter how much deadly, cursed or cry-outy thing it may be. You always end up smiling and think "Well that was awkward but I enjoyed it really." It is all that experience that binds you, makes you, bolds you. We all need someone to share it out everything. To talk about all crazy things you did, the mind-blowing unhappening things you had imagined. We need to be happy. Of course no one's wanna be sad. Hang in there readers cause' you have to cherish the moments ever after.

Really if I must say - missing somebody is the most hardest part of life. If you can't meet someone of whom you are so fond of and you can't say anything to them. You are already died at that point.

I too have that someone whom I have cared for from the starting. It's true that I met her in The Most Popular Social Networking Website Facebook. And I know it's not appropriate to propose someone to be your girlfriend whom you have not met even.

But you also know how it hurts to even think that you can never meet her in person. Fear creeps you into death and we shed tears on the mere fact that she will never be yours. Well you know things go even more bad when that girl tends to be your sister. Being with an un-original sister-like girl and thinking mad things really makes situations grave. You can be certain though that if the girl you like the most is your Facebook sister (not real blood sister), then things are turning real bad for you because you are going to be in a great confusion and stress.

Initially, you will greet her with being the world's best sister tag for her. And if I say so she really is. After sometime she will go easy on you, be friendly with you, Use some very lovely tags as "awww" etc. But then you eventually start liking her and this is where boys mess with themselves. They get into 3 choices literally and all of them are a bit deadly.

1) Tell her the truth and wait forever for a reply. There are 3 things here the girl would do
(i)Yes I love you too, but as a sister.
(ii) I don't love you. I like another guy. He is more handsome and lovely.
(iii) Block you forever and leave you.

2) Try to force her out of your life.
But she says "You are the best brother in the whole world. You can't leave me, It would really hurt me." (I don't know how to deal with this).

3) Never tell her that you love her and suffer internally for years until you find someone else to talk to.

These 3 choices really are traps and I have imagined all of them. I am completely dead, because if I leave her it hurts her and I would never want to hurt her. If I tell her that I love her, then too she will get hurt on the fact that her only promising loving brother proposes her to be his girlfriend. And if I let myself control then it kills me each day. Do anything but in the end I always suffer. Well she's cute and lovely and I am black-dark and sturdy. There's no way, you get along with a girl like that.

I don't know what to do. Do anybody happen to have any ideas.  :(  :(

Wednesday 26 March 2014

The First Winner

This one is one of my favorite parts of my life till now. I like it because it tells you completely about human nature and a child's so innocent and immature mind.

It is really tempting if you get lower grades in subjects, But it devastating if your friend gets a higher grade than you. Same was the case with me in Khandwa.  It was time of class tests. As I had already told you that the education system in Khandwa was so backward that I didn't even to study anything and I could just get marks easily. And it got so true when the results of our Unit Tests appeared before me.

My class teacher called me in front of the class and told me that I had secured the first rank in class. I was somewhat happy, but there wasn't the satisfaction of achieving great heights. Because everything became so easy and I didn't have to do much. She gave me the First Ranker Badge. Initially, I didn't know why I am being made so popular day by day. Though I was the First Winner now.

After I had topped the class. Students from different parts of the benches started interacting with me. I got numerous friends and all of them started to talk to me. Then I remembered that how things changed from me being an unknown alien to a good friend.

I learnt then that, people interact with those who really do something. They just don't care about anyone new and backward or outsiders. But once you achieve something, everybody gets attracted towards you.

Girls didn't seem very much to take any interest . I didn't meant them to either. They are really jealous creatures. One big explanation was that I wasn't handsome. That is enough to let you know your standards among girls.

"Achievement is not something you achieve with pleasure, it is something achieved with hard work, determination, curiosity ,patience and love." 

The First Time In New School

One of the main problems after getting transferred is to find a good school there. We had to take a decision fast. Near our home was a small school named "Scholars Den". As I was a kid my father thought that a reputed school nearby the house is better. So I took admission there soon and it was a easy process as I got admission directly. 

I had to resume school after 4 days of taking admission. We got all the books and uniforms from the market. And That Tuesday I pursuited for my first day in that small,wonderful,heart-beating school where I will find the love of true friends and an unexpected convuljant attraction towards girls. I didn't expect any of these when I got there. I remember that day freshly in my mind. 

As I didn't know anybody there and I had trouble finding my class "6th Blue".It was actually at the basement to the right. But I revolved around the whole school searching it. But Finally I was able to recognize my class there and I sat down there. Students came into the class and went just like that didn't care about me. No one bothered about a new guy in the class. 

The assembly time came soon. We assembled in disciplined queues and went to the ground. The first prayer was somehow difficult and I just muttered and listened carefully. Then the pledge started. In our old school, we pledged by straightening our right arm completely. But in here, they just raise there hand in a way like they are giving blessings to anyone. This was really confusing but I just followed the way the students around me did. The only thing I knew there in the assembly was "The National Anthem". And believe me I had never sing the national anthem more precisely and lovely like I did that day. (But this is just a lie because I sing it better everyday).

Then we darted to our respective classes and everybody started talking. I remained silent there as nobody wanted to talk to me. Then our class teacher came, She was very lovely and cute. She was a English Teacher and very interactive too. She noticed me and I gave them my introduction. We communicated in English much fine. The students glared at me like I was an alien. 

I sat down and started studying. Though there were other students who took admission there for the first time. But they were all communicating well. I was the only idiot there who looked like an idiot and a Nerd.

Many days passed by like the same and I didn't talk to all of them. One day our games teacher saw me alone. Her name was "Monica Mam". She called me and asked whether I have good friends or not. I said I am good I have my friends. She saw my lie and loneliness. As it was break time, she took me with her to the ground and told me to interact with that group of guys. She pointed me to a group of boys of my own class. They were like fighting with each other. I joined them and started talking. It was easy as Monica mam introduced me to everybody. It felt good as I now had a set of lovely friends. Their names were Ayush,Chetan,Raja,Aradhya. 

"You can't survive anywhere if you don't have friends. They are the oxygen of our hearts."

The First Hear

It is a bit awkward when you hear some name for the first time isn't it. The same case pursued me when the news of transferring again exploded. It was night-time that day, My bro, me and my father were in the Mall. Suddenly my father got "The Most Unexpected call". He talked to them for about 10 mins. Then he turned to us and told that we have been transferred to 'Khandwa this time. I asked him "Where is Khandwa , in Chatthisgarh or Madhya Pradesh"."It's in M.P." He replied.

It was the most mysterious name I have ever heard. I was not feeling good about going there. We came home and Dad told us that we will have to move to Khandwa in 2 months. Wow, thats a great news. I am left with 2 months to enjoy myself here with my best friends. 

And though I was wrong again. I got a very much less time because we had to prepare for going to Khandwa far more. It was disastrous that I couldn't meet my friends now for another three years. I met my nearby friends swiftly and dashed home.

Two months didn't seem so long this time. Maybe God wanted to see Khandwa soon and explore the wonders of the people who live in that small city.

That day came soon. We loaded all the materials in the truck and ordered it to go to Khandwa. We went to station and waited for the train. In some minutes I was in the train to Khandwa. WE reached that city in about 5 hours. There was a car waiting for us. A friend of my father recieved us there. His name was "Mudliyar", That's what we called him. He was a nice guy and we went through the up-down stones of Khandwa's roads. We reached home and met with everybody. Our luggage was waiting for us there beforehand and they had unloaded it before we came. 

We then met those kind old people under whose supervision we had to live in that so-called lovely home. It was awesome for some time. But we then had to make the house look beautiful.This is where the whole messy thing starts. Keep that thing, this one here and stuffs. Then you have clean the whole house of dust, turning it to a clean beautiful palace-like structure. Though this is what we learn in life. 

"Clean your problems not solve them. Problems are made to learn,not to disgrace".

Chapter - 1

Chapter - 1

The Paper

Something was haftling, The weather just got stormy somewhat suddenly. I guess it knew what's gonna be follow in Drenshaw. There was a burning smell, a sensation which could not be explained. It remains as it would gulp down the whole city in one blow. 

Drenshaw City was one of the most mysterious cities ever, isolated from modern dynasties and economies. But still, citizens enjoyed luxury, ran successful errands and were happy. But one day, perhaps a Tuesday, fear crept in this land, screams haunted the streets so much that they started to creak. 

There was a large infrastructure of the Bayte Family. The most honest,respectable,donor,peace-minded,caring,loving and a real human, Mr. Bayte stood infront of his Bayte Enterprises lying. The Bayte Family had helped the citizens of Drenshaw at all times, in terms of economy, sociality, and industrially. His company was one of the most greatest and influential one in the whole world. Mr. Bayte was so kind and loyal that he didn't keep any money with himself but rather he did away with them to the whole society and lived in a small isolated home. It was Monday now and night-time.

Mr. Bayte lay their seeing destruction. His company was burning with yellow-blue flames. People were screaming, fire brigades couldn't resolve the sensational flames which danced out in his whole career. Mr. Bayte was nearby when the explosion occured. Fortunately, he was just injured a little bit but, Unfortunately, his heart was throbbing in and out with loss. He lay near the rescue camp till morning. He woke up at 9:00 and sprinted to his home.

Poor Mr. Bayte arrived home at 11 AM, holding a paper. It was folded deeply into his hands that it was difficult to read. 'Lily' his wife opened the huge cuboidal door. She was startled and asked him - "Why are you messy. Have you been in a fight?". "No, but it's a even bad news,Get me to the sofa, will ya" said Dayton. She gently put him around her shoulders and lay him in the sofa. She went to the kitchen to get some leftovers while he rested in his couch. She returned with a plate full of delicious foodies in one hand and a medical kit in the other. Dayton stood up and ate, and then took up some treatment from his sweet wife.

"Thank you" said Dayton shyly. "Never thank me" said Lily pouring her love within him. They kissed each other. Then she asked "What happened in the city". "It's a sad story for us, I guess we will have to beg now. Our company 'The Bayte Enterprises' is burnt to ashes." Silence crept in that room, only the voice of the wind and the crow could be heard. Lily stood up and ran towards the door screaming "No.... No..."  she sobbed heavily but Mr. Bayte grabbed and controlled her.

"Be not afraid,my dearest, it's not the end" said Mr.Bayte.  " It is... our whole life's been demolished and no one's gonna help us now.". said Mrs. Bayte. " There is always humanity left, we gave our love to the people and they will greet us with the same" Dayton barked passionately. Lily wiped her tears and went inside, while Dayton sat in the sofa and wept like a child . He knew he can't be emotional before his wife. 

Guys are made for boldness according to society, but not this fact remains with all of them.  :)

It was night-time now, Lily was making Dinner and Dayton was resting in his couch. Lily served themselves at 9 PM sharp. They ate silently but after a few minutes Lily said curiously "What is that paper". "It is nothing a letter to my friend, I have to post it tomorrow" Dayton said creakily. "What for?" asked Lily. " He is a my colleague, some personal business." " Ohh!!!!"  exclaimed Lily.  She probably noticed the grin which Dayton always makes when he tells a lie, but she didn't inquire more, for the sake of the present situation.

Women can't be explained when it comes to speech and love.  :P  :)

They completed dinner and slept together.

Friday 21 March 2014



1) Jim - A talented multi-minded detective. Former colleague of Mr. Bayte.

2) Mr. Bayte (Dayton Bayte) - A strange wealthy man who lives in isolated area, but has a popular Enterprise in his name.

3) Mrs. Bayte (Lily Bayte) - Wife of Mr. Bayte

4) Amanda - Secretary of Mr. Bayte

5) Harry - An arch enemy of Bayte who wishes to drain Mr. Bayte's company

6) Alexie - A lovely little girl

7) Charlie - Son of Mr. Bayte and .....



Though there is no one to thank about for writing this piece of manuscript. It was completely my idea and I myself chose to write it. But there are really some people whom I would like to thank before starting my story. Starting with my family ofcourse, who have supported me since childhood and gave me everything.

Secondly, and most importantly, I would like to thank my best friend, Abhinav Airan, who has always motivated me to see this world in new perspection of love and wonders. He has taught me numerous things and had me motivated all by myself to get higher. My friend is really a good man and he is like my mentor.

I would also like to thank my Sisters , Kavita deed, Anushka and Sanskriti. who have always supported me throughout my lifetime. They have stood like mad, caring, golden pillars beside me who could really talk. WOW!!! And also my brother Vijay who taught me everything I must know to survive in this world.

Lastly I would to thank Nimisha under whose spells I have been captivated. But that's just a fact. She has taught me what true love is and made me believe that if you have confidence in yourself, and patience, you can achieve everything. 

I will always be grateful to have these talking mad,crazy,dumb guyss in my life. And with their support let me start my first short fiction.

-- "If someone has any problem for their name written here, please comment, And if there is someone I had forgotten.Don't worry you are my best." 

Sixth Sense Technology

A generation comes by when young minds find out the use of things in other creative ways. The same thing has been brought upon by Pranav Mistry, an Indian, who has used the neurons in his minds to develop a device which can project a screen on any surface and can be manipulated by revolving your fingers on the air. Pranav used a simple technique of wiring different components used by us in our daily life and made his new creation. This is what we can do if we sought to learn the various needs of the artifact. The Sixth Sense Technology has now enabled us to use computers and stuffs anywhere in a big screen and also use them by the movement of our hands.

Pranav Mistry demonstrated the power of the Sixth Sense Technology in the MIT Media Lab in 2009. He has also given many seminars and intervies explaining about the working of the gadget.

The prototype of the gadget was made by using some simple machines such as projectors, an android smartphone, color markers, sensors, a Sensing Camera and some wires. Pranav has un-boxed the codes for the prototype of Sixth Sense online which can be used by developers and anyone who wishes make his own Sixth Sense device.

It is said the we have gone beyond the limits of our senses and it's the finale. But as we move on to the new generation, we find that there is no limit to human senses. Flexibility, Liability, usability, viability everything is on the go and can never be exhausted.

"Experience is not what problem you solve and learn from it directly, It is the updation to your senses to create something new in the future to solve and eradicate those problems from coming in future."

Bait - About The Story


The story revolves around a respectable family or the Bayte Family who live in Drenshaw,Wellington. They run a successful company in the town. Unfortunately, they don't have any kids and therefore the heir to their infrastructure was uncertain.
As we all know, good days don't remain frozen, bad days follow them. Bayte Enterprises strucks a huge market loss, following unsuspicious murders. 

Many citizens get circled, beaten up, and killed.Soon the entire city gets affected by the scruxious incidents But there is someone who knows what is happening, what has to be done to save innocents from this evil.

The Bait is a mixture of tragedy, mystery, history, romance, adventure, family and much more. Enjoy the tale of Mr. Bayte and his well-known colleague. Unleash the history of the characters. Know them with your own imagination, Sculpt them and give them your imagination. 

You just have to remember one thing - "Each story doesn't have a happy ending and not always the protagonist win ." 

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