Wednesday 26 March 2014

Chapter - 1

Chapter - 1

The Paper

Something was haftling, The weather just got stormy somewhat suddenly. I guess it knew what's gonna be follow in Drenshaw. There was a burning smell, a sensation which could not be explained. It remains as it would gulp down the whole city in one blow. 

Drenshaw City was one of the most mysterious cities ever, isolated from modern dynasties and economies. But still, citizens enjoyed luxury, ran successful errands and were happy. But one day, perhaps a Tuesday, fear crept in this land, screams haunted the streets so much that they started to creak. 

There was a large infrastructure of the Bayte Family. The most honest,respectable,donor,peace-minded,caring,loving and a real human, Mr. Bayte stood infront of his Bayte Enterprises lying. The Bayte Family had helped the citizens of Drenshaw at all times, in terms of economy, sociality, and industrially. His company was one of the most greatest and influential one in the whole world. Mr. Bayte was so kind and loyal that he didn't keep any money with himself but rather he did away with them to the whole society and lived in a small isolated home. It was Monday now and night-time.

Mr. Bayte lay their seeing destruction. His company was burning with yellow-blue flames. People were screaming, fire brigades couldn't resolve the sensational flames which danced out in his whole career. Mr. Bayte was nearby when the explosion occured. Fortunately, he was just injured a little bit but, Unfortunately, his heart was throbbing in and out with loss. He lay near the rescue camp till morning. He woke up at 9:00 and sprinted to his home.

Poor Mr. Bayte arrived home at 11 AM, holding a paper. It was folded deeply into his hands that it was difficult to read. 'Lily' his wife opened the huge cuboidal door. She was startled and asked him - "Why are you messy. Have you been in a fight?". "No, but it's a even bad news,Get me to the sofa, will ya" said Dayton. She gently put him around her shoulders and lay him in the sofa. She went to the kitchen to get some leftovers while he rested in his couch. She returned with a plate full of delicious foodies in one hand and a medical kit in the other. Dayton stood up and ate, and then took up some treatment from his sweet wife.

"Thank you" said Dayton shyly. "Never thank me" said Lily pouring her love within him. They kissed each other. Then she asked "What happened in the city". "It's a sad story for us, I guess we will have to beg now. Our company 'The Bayte Enterprises' is burnt to ashes." Silence crept in that room, only the voice of the wind and the crow could be heard. Lily stood up and ran towards the door screaming "No.... No..."  she sobbed heavily but Mr. Bayte grabbed and controlled her.

"Be not afraid,my dearest, it's not the end" said Mr.Bayte.  " It is... our whole life's been demolished and no one's gonna help us now.". said Mrs. Bayte. " There is always humanity left, we gave our love to the people and they will greet us with the same" Dayton barked passionately. Lily wiped her tears and went inside, while Dayton sat in the sofa and wept like a child . He knew he can't be emotional before his wife. 

Guys are made for boldness according to society, but not this fact remains with all of them.  :)

It was night-time now, Lily was making Dinner and Dayton was resting in his couch. Lily served themselves at 9 PM sharp. They ate silently but after a few minutes Lily said curiously "What is that paper". "It is nothing a letter to my friend, I have to post it tomorrow" Dayton said creakily. "What for?" asked Lily. " He is a my colleague, some personal business." " Ohh!!!!"  exclaimed Lily.  She probably noticed the grin which Dayton always makes when he tells a lie, but she didn't inquire more, for the sake of the present situation.

Women can't be explained when it comes to speech and love.  :P  :)

They completed dinner and slept together.

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