Friday 24 May 2013

My Home

Everybody settles in a place and live with their family and call that a peaceful home. But my home was kind of variable that is, it kees changing every 3 years. As my father work in the LIC ( Life Insurance Corporation of India). So he gets transferred to a new place every 3 years. So our house was variable.

But actually  according to me. Our home was not variable. A home is where you live with your family. Share happy moments with them. That is what a home is and yes I was with my family , with my parents and my loving brother.

As starting from my birth, my house was situated in the Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. I was born in an hospital (not to mention). As I know after some days of birth, our family moved to Gwalior. where started the so-called life of mine.

My mother is a homemaker and she takes care of everything. My brother's name is Vijay and he is 4 years older than me. He has helped me the most in anything. From studies to plays to entertainment, he has provided me with all the things I have ever required.

So let's start from some introduction of my family members and their so vast relationship with me. Then we will move to the so-called mischievous activities I did in my life.

I love my family  :)  :)

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