Tuesday 28 May 2013

The 1st Birthday

As you all know, now I live in Gwalior, India. Today was my 1st birthday that is, on 30th July, 1998. This day was a very awesome for my parents and me. A grand party was thrown in our house. About more than 100 people came. Many of my Dad's friends came. They all gave me gifts and blessings. I was happy, though there is something I would like to tell you that actually I don't remember this day. I saw about this day in my photo album.

The cake was cut around 8:00 pm at night. And when I see those photos. My mother had held my hand so that I could cut the cake. I knew at that moment she was that angel who came to nurture me and give all the love to me. 
My Mother, My Angel

There were many people surrounding when I cut the cake of my own inauguration in this beautiful world. As my mother said to me I had only one and only friend then who had thought me everything from standing on my foot to other things a child has to learn. It was that girl who was about two years older than me. I don't remember her face nor her name. I think if someday I could meet her. My first friend who took care of me in everything.

As talking about the gifts, I got my first bicycle on that day. It was very small so that I could fit into it. I wonder whether I knew cycling at that age. The cycle was in yellow colour and its pedals were of black colour. I loved it. I don't remember the other gifts though and my parents too don't remember them I think.

In the following day, my Father got many gifts from his office staffs. They congratulated him for celebrating my first birthday. As I see those photos today also I break into tears. My father seemed so happy that like he had achieved something great. It was a memorable day for me and my parents also. 

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