Thursday 11 April 2013


What is Blogging?

According to my view, blogging is a way through which people express there views and ideas to the whole world. It is way which gives you a chance to become social in this existing social-world. This I think is the easiest definition of blog. A blog actually is a private web-space which is extensively used to post certain things which an individual likes to. These post can be of anything , they entertain and gives knowledge to everybody. There are millions of blogs today, everything we see today in the widespread internet is a blog. Many blogs are like choosinng only 1 topic and post only news only about that particular topic. Blogging also helps people to connect with the world. People follow the blogs they like and read them for knowledge and leisure. Blogging sites are also accompanied by other social networking sites such as The Facebook and Twitter. These sites are used to make new friends and to chat with public out there. Blogs are published into these networking sites so as to increase widespread audience for one's posts.

History of Blogging?

The invention of blog dates back to 1997 when Jorn Barger coined the first name of it as "weblog". This was later changed to blog by Peter Merholz. Blog was then considered as an Open Diary, where people can share their thoughts without any hesitation. Blogs were used extensively from 1999. People were crazy to express their views on various things happening around them and thus blogs rised in popularity, Many institutions also used Blogs to advertise their products and give reviews about products. Leading institutions and companys now made associations with blogging. There are now many blogging websites in the Internet, such as, and etc.

Why Blog?

Seeing the wide use of blogs all around the world a question arrives "Why Blog?". People often think that blogging needs much time and one doesnt have time to blog about his happening forgetting what is happenning around him actually. One cannot blog for long time and sometimes people consider blogging as a wastage of time. But thats is not the case, blogging has helped creating many lives too. The advertising part of blogging gave rise to many companies to help people make money through Blogging. Thus, blogging has the following advantages.

1)  It creates sociality among the whole world.
2)  It helps in making friends all around the world.
3)  It helps in making money by the use of different advertising services.
4)  It helps in publishing your thoughts and views to this social world.
5)  It helps big company's to write reviews about their products as well as advertise them.
6)  It makes an individual happy as creates a balance and gives us knowledge about everything.

So my friends
This was Arun Kumar blogging for you.
Keep Blogging

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