Thursday 11 April 2013

Books and Subjects

Books are our friends. This was what I heard fom my teachers about 7-8 years ago. I think their main aim was to make us truly loving - mad on the books. Books as I read nowadays , I feel really they are one of my best friends around. They make me feel comfortable around the various activities going around myself. When I open my science and mathematics books, a sudden delight in my eyes are shone. I love those subjects as they aim on improving the current status of the present technology and force us to dream about the future.

When I open my social science book, I first see 5 parts of social science and wonder why there 5 different books for one subject. Then, I realised that social science is one of the most interesting and important subject for one's life. They dates back to the history, they keep us updated by the natural surroundings of our environment. They tell about the political nature of various countries and also the economic problems of the people. Social science has no boundaries' It has more significant topics than any other subject. It makes us think about how we can really change our society? "Change is what we need today."

Now let's talk about english literature. I love literature mostly. I like reading novels written by those great who had very unfamiliar names when I was a kid. Novels of Shakespeare, Mark Twain and India's best selling author Chetan Bhagat, inspire me to take a chance on writing books or we can say, pieces of information or inscriptions.

At last I will tell you about my computer - maniac things, as I like computer softwares the most. I like finding the extent of a particular software and work on it. Currently I am engaged in making my own Pc game using Unity3D game engine. Most of you must be familiar with it, as it is the most user-friendly game engine I have ever used. I would share with you my experiences with unity3D. As I am a beginner I dont know much about programming and all so I will share those with you afterwards.

So now I would conclude to you by saying that books are the most amazing things we can around us. If you know what to do with them You are on the right way.

"Books make us change, Read and change,  make change your objective and your objective your aim".

Be happy with your books. Value them and Lo

ve the world.

This was Arun Kumar Blogging for you

Thanks and lots of goodbyes

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