Wednesday 10 April 2013



Life is a paradise If you know the true meaning of love. Love cannot be measured. It increases if we care about it and decreases it we dont. Trust and love are very important in ones life.

With all my love, my friends I am going to start my blogs with a incentive start. I am a kid and I like to be social And I think its time for me to share my thoughts about everything . As the blog's name suggeest Everythings Here. So I will share with some of my valuable, lovable and the most significant stories occured in my life. I will share with you the Unity3D tutorials which I am gonna make in a month or two. So be prepared to see my blogs. I would like it if you follow my blog and make me some comments on improving my blooging style and everything.

I love Michael Jackson and here's a great quote by michael jackson which has always inspired me towards love and peace

"Heal the World, Make it a better place
For you and for me and the
Entire Human Race"

Spread your love to everyone and keep updated from my side.   :)   :)   :)   :)

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