Monday 19 August 2013

Creativity And Curiosity

Hey Guys. we all know what knowledge is. But true knowledge can be earned only when there is an urge to learn, a curiosity to know. Curiosity is nothing but interpreting and using the existing knowledge to find more, learn more, discover more. I would say, everybody in this world is curious to know about one or the other thing. A field in which an individual loves is what he thinks about more. So let's get started in thinking that how can we distinguish between what to think and what not to think?

How to handle between good and non-good thoughts? Curiosity

Curiosity is all about thoughts and ideas. What you think at the moment is your only working thought. Its a difficult task to control all your thoughts whether they are good or non-good. In a day we come across thousands of thoughts simultaneously. So you need an answer to distinguish whether the thing which you are thinking now is good or not. 

This is simple, if you are thinking about something you love and really want to do something with it and thinking about ideas about making that thing perfect. Then it is a good thought. And if you are pushed to think of something from any external voice, and you really don't have any heart on thinking about it yourself i.e., it is coming from outside then it is an unhealthy thought, which you will have to avoid.


  • Good thought : 

  1. If you love a girl\boy very much, think about her\him everytime and making plans of making him\her happy. Then it is a good thought.
  2. If you like studying physics or other subject and you try to know more about it, explore more in it, dive into its world, curious to know about its secrets. Then it is a good thought.

  • Unhealthy thoughts

  1. If you love a girl and are playing a guitar to impress her. Then it an unhealthy thought because you are playing guitar only in order to impress the girl but not to comfort or joy yourself. The latter here comes from an external source i.e., the girl.
  2. If you are studying physics or any other subject only for your examinations and your main aim is to score more marks or highest  marks then its a unhealthy thought. 


Creativity is an important aspect in shaping your thoughts. Creativity is the art of thinking in a manner of your own. True creativity lies in thinking with ideas and knowledge. Many people are too lazy to think like this. Applying your knowledge in enhancing your ideas more effectively is what creativity is all about. Many people think some people are born to think differently and they are only "one in a thousand". This is a shit thinking. If you have the capability of thinking yourself on what you really love. Then you can really achieve great heights in that field.

Creativity and Curiosity

Creativity and Curiosity both work together in shaping one's life. If a person is curious but is not creative then his knowledge is vain. A person can only become successful when he\she is curious enough to know and creative enough to enhance his ideas. So an individual is perfect and respected by the modern society when he has an urge to share his thoughts with everybody and just bring out his talents to open.

My silly Curiosity

I am very prone to love and I like to love everybody around me more than I love myself. I love a girl whom I met in the strangest way. I always think about making her happy. We chat many times and she always tell me she is happy and that makes me feel special. Moreover, I think about the best possible method of proposing her when I will meet her for the first time. It is a happy thought and it really is silly. I am very much curious to know that reaction and her reply when I will propose her. I know that she will say "no". But still I wait for that day when she will permanently reject me, because of me.  :)

SO guysss be curious in all your thoughts which you love to do.

"Be Curious and Make your own world".

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