Friday, 12 April 2013

Science And Technology

Science is undefined as it is present all around us.Science is change in phenomena around us. This is what I read when I was a small kid. Everything we see around us is science. From the creation of this universe about trillions of years earlier to the modern gadgets we use in our daily life, is a part of science. Science is very user - friendly .It makes people's efforts less and make them strive for more. It is the nature around us. Science provides you with everything you use. But the most important thing is that science has no value if we do not utilize its extent.

" The extent of science is far beyond the years ".

But we must also remember that science is nothing if we had not discovered it. Science needs someone to help itself make useful. And those 'someone' are the human beings. Without the discovery and proper utilization of science by the human beings, science is useless. We have invented many things using science, ranging from fire to the computers of

the modern world.

" Science was not invented it was discovered".

We all are grateful to science for its various things it gave us especially nature itself. Lets get to Technology

Technology is the result of proper utilization of science by humans. We see things today which seems amazing to our eyes and we use to say " The technology has risen" or something like that. Technology is something which came from science after we put on some effort into it. We have always been successful in our technologies and are growing it more and more. But one day a stage will come when science has to be given something from us. And at that time science won't help us.

" Science doesn't grow on trees. But we can extract something from it and make the technology from the tree"                                                               
Thats life

This was Arun Kumar Blogging for you.

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