Thursday, 6 June 2013

Leap Motion (2)

How Does The Leap Motion Work?

Leap Motion works in a very basic principle which we all have heard of. IR (Infrared Rays) is the thing which detects the motion of our fingers and lets us control the all the softwares with which we work today. 

The Leap Motion is a USB which when connected to a computer. It detects the system and verify's whether the operating system is Windows 7\8 or not. This is all done by the softwares which come along with Leap Motion Kit. As soon as all the requirements are fulfilled, the Leap Motion starts releasing infrared rays. These infrared rays are limited to a sphere of about diameter 1m from the the Leap Motion device. 

Within this range of 1m (not sure really!!) you can work on your computer without the need of your Mouse and Computer. Those Infrared rays are programmed so well that they can detect each and every movement of your finger and hands. You can pull and push anything. Execute anything by just pushing your finger forward and much more. All you have to do is have some experience with the Leap.

The Leap supports many apps very fluently. The AirSpace (Leap Store) is  being created by the developers. Many apps are being created to be fully supported with the Leap. The developers have been given the Leap Dev gadget  and all the worldwide they are producing great apps for the Leap. It is gonna be a fully great experience with the Leap as you would just gonna work in the air now. 

So Brace Yourself with the Leap.

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